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Finding fresh eggs made easy Finding fresh eggs made easy

Finding fresh eggs made easy

Eggs, full of nutrients and a source of high-quality protein, are easily available everywhere. You can consume them hard-boiled or use them as an ingredient in pastries and cakes.

It doesn’t matter which way you eat your eggs, it goes without saying that fresher eggs taste better. It is easier to separate the whites and yolks, and the eggs perform better in whipping and baking.

So how will you know if the eggs you buy are fresh and of good quality? Here are some easy tips:

1. Does size affect the quality of eggs?
Actually, size doesn’t affect quality. Big eggs and small eggs can be the same.

2. Does the color of the shell affect quality?
No, shell color does not influence nutritional or quality parameters. White shell eggs and brown shell eggs are similar in quality.

3. How does a fresh egg look?
The freshness of an egg can be determined by its outer appearance, and more specifically when it is broken. Firstly, you need to check the eggshell for cracks and stains. If these are not found, then the egg can be considered fresh. But to be sure, you need to break it.

4. How do you know that the egg is fresh when you break it?
Here’s how: by checking how the whites and yolks of fresh and stale eggs appear. But you can also check if the egg is not spoiled by breaking it into a clean bowl and verifying that it doesn’t have a bad odour or appearance.

This is the simplest way to determine the freshness of the egg:

  Yolk Appearance White Appearance What to do?
Fresh Egg Thick and high Large amount, thick, spreading over a large area USE
Stale Egg Flat Runny, thin, spreading over a large area DISCARD

Kitchen Tip:

If you’re suspicious about the freshness of an egg, all you need to do is check if it floats in water. How does this work? As the egg ages, air enters the egg and causes the formation of a large air cell. This is why fresh eggs sink and old eggs float and should be discarded.

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