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There's more to orange than vitamin C There's more to orange than vitamin C

There's more to orange than vitamin C

Juicy, sweet and known for their richness in vitamin C, oranges are perfect to have as part of a healthy snack, or as additions to many recipes for a special flavour. They are one of the most popular fruits in the world.

Most people know that oranges mean vitamin C. But did you know that it also supplies an abundant amount of other healthy vitamins and minerals for our bodies.

Did you know?

One orange supplies all your needs of vitamin C for one day! And how does vitamin C benefit our health?
It plays an important part in fighting infection; helps form connective tissue that holds many parts of the body together, helps lower blood cholesterol levels; keeps gums healthy; and also increases the absorption of iron from vegetarian food sources!

What you can do to enhance the amount of iron absorbed in your body is simply to eat an orange after your meal or sip a fresh orange juice with it.


How many calories does an orange contain?

An orange is low in calories, having only 60 calories! But remember: if you squeeze oranges, 1 cup will have 120 Calories.


An orange is a good source of beneficial fibre!

Oranges are rich in fibre which prevents constipation and aids digestion. Fibre also prevents a lot of diseases like heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. Additionally, fibre can make you feel full. So an orange is not only low in calories, but it also gives you a feeling of fullness and is thus ideal for weight-loss diets.
So what’s best: to eat an orange or drink its juice?

If you squeeze the orange, you lose the fibre! So consuming a whole fruit is always a better choice.


Extra nutrients in oranges:

  • Oranges are not only a great source of vitamin C, but they also contain other nutrients, including calcium, folic acid, magnesium, vitamins B1 and B6.
  • Beyond that, oranges are rich with health-promoting plant substances: flavonoids, which have heart-healthy and anticancer qualities; and carotenoids which spur antioxidant activity and may protect your vision.


The latest research suggests that oranges:

  • Help prevent kidney stones (that's why it's recommended to drink orange juice to reduce the risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones)
  • Reduce risk for stomach cancer
  • Protect respiratory health (asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia)
  • Protect against rheumatoid arthritis

Although it’s the juice that is mostly associated with good health, it is the whole orange that’s mostly recommended. For a balanced diet, consume 2-4 pieces of fruits per day, making sure to include one orange in the mix. Here's what you can do to have an orange a day:

  • Eat it after your lunch, or make it a part of your healthy breakfast.
  • Have it as a snack since it gives you a feeling of fullness and its richness in water will also quench your thirst.
  • Include it in your fresh fruit salad as pieces and as juice.
  • You can also have its juice fresh in moderation. Its juice is also a great source of vitamin C for kids, especially if they do not eat much fruits.

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