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Weight loss tips for a New Year start! Weight loss tips for a New Year start!

Weight loss tips for a New Year start!

The New Year always brings with it new plans, commitments and resolutions. The most common New Year’s resolution everyone makes is to reduce the extra kilograms that might have piled up during the previous month.

And to reach this goal, it is important for you to prepare yourself for healthy lifestyle changes that you will be making over the coming weeks and months. 

To reduce your weight in the coming year, take a look at these “Golden dozen tips” from the experts:

1. Be realistic: It is essential that you have a realistic, healthy eating and exercise plan in place. Aim for a goal that is attainable. For example, ½ kg – 1 kg of weight loss per week and for the best result, consult a dietitian.

2. Plan ahead: Don't make your resolution a few days before the New Year. Instead, plan it well in advance before 31st December arrives.

3. Make a “good” and “not so good” food list: It helps when you put down on paper a list of food items that you should avoid keeping your motivation strong. Keep your list with you and refer to it whenever you need help to keep your resolve.

4. Talk about it and get your family involved: Share your weight loss plan with your family, especially if some of your family members have the same resolution, this way you’ll be more likely to stick with your weight loss plan.

5. Make your workout enjoyable: If you find an exercise routine that you truly enjoy, you will be more likely to commit to it. Remember that exercise raises your brain’s serotonin levels, which increases feelings of wellbeing and helps ward off depression.

6. Track your progress: Keep track of every small success you make toward reaching your big goal. Short-term goals are easier to keep, and small accomplishments will help keep you motivated.

7. Keep a positive attitude: Be positive with your thinking and how good you will feel once you lose the excess weight. If you hit a weight loss plateau, remain confident that you will overcome this and still reach your goal.

8. Reward yourself: This doesn't mean that you can indulge in large quantities of sweets and desserts. However, celebrate your success by treating yourself to something that you enjoy once in a while.

9. Be honest about your eating habits. Keep a food journal as part of your weight loss plan and be completely honest about the foods you eat. The journal will help you keep track of the foods you are eating and give you an idea about your calorie consumption.

10. Take it one step at a time: Gradually change your lifestyle like choosing low fat dairy products in the first week and then move to consuming higher portions of fruits and vegetables the second week and so on.

11. Take it slow: By gradually changing your food habits, you are increasing your chances of following these healthy changes for the rest of your life, which is important not only for weight loss but for weight maintenance too.

Keep trying: If your resolution has not achieved good results by the first 6-8 weeks, don't give up. Start over again and let a nutritionist or dietitian track your progress, motivate you and help you achieve your goal.

Good to Remember:

When following a weight loss plan, don’t deprive yourself completely; instead allow yourself a treat of your choice once or twice a week.

There's no reason you can't make a "New Year's Resolution" any time of year and the best way to keep your resolution is to plan ahead. Remember that being healthy today and following good eating habits will help you reach a healthy weight which will benefit your overall health too.

Happy New Year!

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