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Nutrition Dictionary

  • Phytoestrogens

    Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plant chemicals that are similar in structure to the human hormone oestrogen. The most common phytoestrogens are the isoflavones found in soy beans and lignans from linseed. Phytoestrogens behave similarly to oestrogen in the body and are thought to help relieve some menopausal symptoms and potentially have other health benefits.

  • Protein

    Protein is an essential nutrient that is used in the body for the growth and repair of cells and to provide energy. Protein is found in both plant and animal foods. Sources of protein include meat, eggs, dairy foods, nuts and seeds, dried beans and lentils.

  • Probiotics

    Probiotics are bacteria that help replenish the beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Common foods that contain probiotics are yogurt and fortified milk. Maintaining a balance of healthy bacteria in the intestine is beneficial for a healthy digestive system.

  • Polyphenols

    Polyphenols are naturally occurring plant chemicals, including flavonoids, catechins, isoflavonoids, lignans and anthocyanins. They are antioxidants that may help protect against oxidative damage and are most commonly found in certain fruits and vegetables, tea, coffee, soy, seeds, lentils and some dark chocolate.

  • Pectin

    Pectin occurs naturally in fruit and is often added to foods to thicken or stabilize them. Pectin is also used in throat lozenges because of its soothing properties

  • Phytosterols

    Phytosterols are compounds that have a structure like cholesterol and are found naturally in small amounts in foods such as vegetable oils, fruits, legumes and nuts. When consumed regularly in concentrated products such as phytosterol-containing margarines, they can help to lower cholesterol levels by reducing cholesterol absorption.

  • Prebiotic

    A prebiotic is a substance that promotes the growth of the beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Prebiotics work by providing food for the intestinal bacteria. Examples of prebiotics are inulin and fructooligosaccharides.

  • Polyunsaturated Fat

    Polyunsaturated fats are ‘good fats’. There are two main types of polyunsaturated fats: Omega-3 and Omega-6. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in sunflower oil, certain margarines, nuts (e.g. walnuts), seeds (e.g. sesame, sunflower) and legumes. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon and tuna as well as canola and soybean oil.

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